Tuesday, June 12, 2007

What Do You Tell Yourself?

When I was frustrated and afraid that I was not going to meet my deadline for graduation, I would repeat this phrase to myself, "I am smart!"

In the car, "I am smart!" In the office, "I am smart!" As I was falling asleep at night, "I am smart!" Anytime thoughts of failure started creeping in I would tell myself this over and over until I believed it.

Today I feel tired, and need a pep talk again...

I am smart.
I am healthy.
I am beautiful.

What do you tell yourself?


Shorey said...

You ARE smart, and healthy & beautiful. And you're probably tired from that long ride on Sunday (great job, by the way!). My personal mantras aren't nearly as eloquent as yours (e.g., Work & workouts: "don't embarrass yourself", racing: "don't be last", everything: "don't forget to breathe").

MW said...

A Always, B be, C closing... Always Be Closing.

and many many more...

Anonymous said...

Hey it's your cousin Justin...My mom just sent me the link to your blog and I've been reading some of your past posts. Rachel and I love biking a ton! She's even competed in a local tri. Anyways it was cool to catch up a bit on your life! You can check out Rachel's blog @ foodierachel.blogspot.com! Grats on graduation!

Unknown said...

I can do this. It's going to be hard but I can do it!!!