Friday, May 25, 2007

My First Tri

On Memorial Day, last year, I volunteered for "body marking" at the CapTexTri in Austin.

I was told there'd be a lot of good looking guys! (Eh, there were some.)

Once I had finished my volunteer duties, I ran into some friends out watching the event. All of us spent some time together watching the cyclists come through one of the turns. From our vantage point on the bridge, we could see all three events. It was really exciting!

I made a pact with these friends...that we would all do it next year.

True to my word, although I rarely spoke to these friends about it, I have registered and will compete in my first triathlon on Monday. I'm not in great physical shape, but I think I'll be able to finish.

At least I won't be on the sidelines this year...and that's something!


Unknown said...

Good Luck! I"ll be sure to look for you. I'm not sure where we'll be but somewhere;)

Did the rest of your peeps sign up?

Jane said...

Two of the other three signed up...I think that's a pretty good turn out :-)

Kris said...

Go, Jane, go! We'll be cheering for you!

P.S. - Love the graduation picture!

Jane said...

The CapTexTri was rained out :-(

Shorey said...

I'm so sad for all of us who couldn't race. What a drag. At least you worked to prepare for it, and that in and of itself is an accomplishment. Onto the next race...