Monday, May 14, 2007

How'd the Ride Go?

I met up with Camp Punishment for the Armadillo Classic this past Saturday morning. We all were up and moving before the sun...and put in a hard workout before lunchtime. Here's a group of us at the start line (thanks Erin), waiting for "you can go ahead and go"!

I rode 42 miles, and tried to do a 10 min run afterwards (I only made 5 minutes before I started seeing stars and decided it was best to stop...I'm still counting it though!).

I still by myself because I'm too slow to keep up with the rest of the group, but I think that riding my myself is making each ride harder. I'm about to start working hard to get up to speed. Hopefully I'll be there soon.

Here's how the day went for some of the others:


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