Monday, May 14, 2007

A Beautiful Mom

I was thinking a lot about my mom this weekend, what with it being Mother's Day and all...

I was thinking about how much my mom loves me and about how lucky I have been to have such a wonderful mother!

These are some of the many reasons I know she loves me... She will cheer for me even when it's not my best day. It makes her happy when I am happy. She is proud of me; I know she is proud of me because all of her co-workers know about anything remotely good that I have ever done. On my birthday, every year, I know that she wakes up thinking about me. She wants to stay on the phone with me for as long as she can, even if we've both run out of things to say.

I do not have a daughter, and I don't know what it is like to love a child of your own. I do see how my mom loves me though, expecting nothing in return. Both her and my dad have told me before, the best thing that I could do to repay them is to love my own children and help them when they need help.

When I have my own children some day, I hope to love them even half as well as my mom has loved me. Happy Mother's Day (again), Mom!

Your love is beautiful and so are you.

1 comment:

Kris said...

Awwww, you made me cry. What a sweet post. Moms are pretty cool, and it sounds like you've got a really good one. :)