Monday, March 26, 2007

Rosedale Ride 2007

Saturday was my longest (and my first) organized ride!

I chose the 45 mile version so that I could look tough.

Really, that was the only reason. I'm an athlete, right? I can take it, right? I'm supposed to be ready to ride from Houston to Austin in a few weeks. I should be able to handle 45, right?

Maybe not.

I had only ridden a maximum of 30 miles before this - once!

Everything started off just fine. I felt strong, and I could tell that I wouldn't be last (like I always am when I run). Until I got to mile 25, I thought to myself, "this bike thing is easy!" Shortly thereafter, the wind picked up...and, long story short, I began making deals with God to get me through the last 20 miles. I'm not quite sure how I managed, but I counted those last miles off one by one. When I made it to the end, I almost dropped to the pavement.

Fortunately, I managed to regroup well enough to have a few cold beers with my friends who rode the 65 mile version. I put my game face on and didn't really talk about how much harder it was than I was expecting. I enjoyed the Tex-Mex and the stories...

Hopefully at my next ride, I won't let my ego get me into something I'm not ready for...and hopefully the same friends and cold beers will be waiting for me across the finish line.

Photos from the ride and post-ride at Vivo's. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Hurray for Jane!!!!!

I love cycling, don't you? Rides like this past Saturday are such a blast... I'm so glad you're drinking the Koolaide! :)