Thursday, March 20, 2008

My Handy Man

Last night as we were crawling into bed, I happened to mention to Gareth that my closet doors weren't opening and closing very well. I only mentioned it casually, hoping to put it in his mental "to do" list for the future sometime. Before I could finish explaining what was going wrong, Gareth had jumped out of bed.

"I didn't mean that you had to fix it right this second!"

But I could already see the wheels turning in his head.

He was in the zone. Gareth gets this way when he is fixing things around the house. I could be standing inches from his face and speaking to him. Sadly, there will be no recognition that I am even alive, let alone in the same room with him.

I love to watch him like this (most of the time)! His first attempts don't always work, but I've never seen him give up on a project. Come hell or high water he is going to install the ceiling fan, level the dishwasher, calibrate the oven, hang the (many, many) shelves, replace the breaker, or fix the closet door. You can see his mind working - the focus, the concentration. Remarkable.

That's right, Gareth was on his way to get his tools and solve my closet problem. After about 15 minutes of unhinging doors, loosening screws, consulting his closet doors, aligning tracks, tightening screws, and rehinging closet doors were FIXED!

What a lucky girl!

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