Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My World Right Now

I stole this idea from Kris, but hope she doesn't mind...

I'm wondering if the contents of my desk says anything about my life. Hmmm? If so, here's a glimpse into mine right now:
  • framed photo of me and my sweetie
  • Peace of Mind candle from Origins that burned out today
  • notes on the group review sessions that I have scheduled and need to schedule for the last week of school and finals period
  • an opened bag of Starburst
  • post-it notes waiting to be used
  • my file of loose end items for mentors and tutors
  • my list of part-time staff to reappoint next Spring
  • an empty notepad
  • office phone
  • adding machine (the accountant in me couldn't refuse it!)
  • pen holder with pencils and pens - all colors of the rainbow
  • a lamp inherited from the co-worker who officed here before me
  • a limestone business card holder with the Longhorn trademark, stocked with business cards (in case anyone forgets how important I am - ha!)
  • a candy jar - filled with Peanut M&M's and peppermints
  • a reference that needs to be delivered across campus this week
  • a sympathy card for a co-worker who recently lost his mother-in-law
  • tutor reports that need to be filed
  • bamboo plant - that has thrived for years but started withering in the past few weeks
  • tape dispenser
  • stapler
  • water bottle - just less than half-full of water
  • work cell phone
  • stray pencils, pens, highlighters, and binder clips
That is a surprisingly long list...and what's most shocking is that my desk is relatively clean right now?! I don't know what it means, but there it is.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Ornery Children

My brother and I received this photo from my Mom this week. She wanted us to know what to expect when we see her over Thanksgiving, as she lost her hair two weeks ago in chemo treatments.

My response
Tell Dad he better enjoy this! It's the only time he won't be the baldest person in our family.

My brother's response
Now you know how Dad feels.

Neither of us had seen the other's response. Ha!
I guess sometimes...humor is the best medicine :-)

Monday, November 19, 2007

What the...?!

The last time my hair was too short for a pony tail, I was in kindergarten. Enjoy the photos of my experience!




Donated 10" to Locks of Love in honor of my Mom!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Our Race for the Cure

I have the greatest group of friends!

post-race at Z'Tejas for mimosas

My mom is currently fighting breast cancer, and for the first time in 13 years ever, it is extremely hard on me to be so far away from home and from her...

In a show of support for me and my mom, my girlfriends registered Team "For Jane's Mom" for Austin's Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. The 5K race was held two Sundays ago. My girlfriends' gesture meant SO MUCH to me! It also meant a lot to my mom.

Our team walked 3.2 miles with tens of thousands of others, and raised $375 for the cause! Everyone on the course was running/walking for a purpose, which made the event even more special and meaningful. My purpose is found in the photo to the left. I think I started to cry four of five times along the course...but it was good.

More photos from race day can be found here.

My mom is a very strong woman (obviously, she's had to put up with me as her daughter for 32 years)! While what stands out most about this woman is her kind heart, don't be fooled...she is a fighter!

Positive at every turn, and not giving up! Next October, we will walk Omaha's Race for the Cure together.

I do have the greatest friends. I also have the greatest mom!

Friday, November 09, 2007

A Daughter's Words of Wisdom

Today was the UT Women's Hall of Honor induction ceremony. I was there as part of my work responsibilities, but also in support of my teammate who was being honored this year.

I was touched my many things about this ceremony, but one anecdote in particular stood out to me as important. I want to share that here.

Fran Harris, was being honored for her contribution to the Women's Basketball program. She thanked many people and told a handful of meaningful stories about her experience as a Longhorn.

Among those stories, Fran spoke about how much the support of her family meant to her, especially in her freshmen year when she wasn't seeing much action. She found out many years later that her sister had this conversation with their dad before one game...

As the family was getting ready to make the drive from Houston to support their daughter in her freshman year...Dad says to his family, "You know, Fran isn't playing all that much this year. Maybe we don't need to make the drive for this game?"

Fran's sister reminded him, "Dad...this is the time that she needs us the most." The family did not miss the game nor any that followed.

When I am a parent, I hope that I remember this.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

I Voted Today

Drawn to the polls by Prop 15, I voted today at the elementary school just a few blocks from my home. It was a pretty uneventful election...no candidates running for office. I still feel like I made a difference though, and it felt good being civically responsible.

So, a post on my blog to announce to everyone...I Voted Today.

My friend Mike voted today, too. His first election as a US citizen!!

An interesting idea...

A running friend made this statement two weekends ago:

I put on a pair of pants, which clearly did not fit. I didn't change out of them, though. I made myself wear them all day so I could teach myself a lesson.