Monday, August 06, 2007

Seven Footer

I returned to Austin yesterday from a bachelorette weekend in Vegas.

I traveled with nine other ladies honoring my fun friend Megan, who will be married this September. It was your typical wild Las Vegas bachelorette trip, and I had a blast!!

I learned several things about myself this weekend.

Among them, I learned that I'm a "seven footer". What's a seven footer, you might ask? Well, I'm not exactly sure, but I definitely am one. Based on the context I overheard it used about me (although never spoken directly to me), I'm guessing it means a really tall woman.

I'm also guessing that this is a compliment. Although, again, I don't know.

Either way, it gets added to the list...

"You're tall!"
"How tall are you?"
"I feel short."
"Do you play basketball?"
"You're a tall drink of water."
"Damn, she's a seven footer!"


MW said...

How's the weather up there?

; )

Lulu said...

My favorite response to "Do you play basketball?" is "No. Do you play miniature golf?"

Buzz said...

I never would ask you if you play basketball, there is a big difference between volleyball players and basketball players as far as looks go.

foodierachel said...

Jane, you need to read my sister in-law's blog entry about being tall. Its great. I think you might relate...

foodierachel said...

Ok, I'm a dork. You already saw it :)

Jane said...

Thanks for the suggestion, Rachel. I loved reading your sister-in-law's post about being tall :-)