Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day One

Gareth left for a camping trip with his buddy yesterday morning.

The last time Gareth went on a trip without me, I called him every night. Some nights, grouchy. Some nights, in tears.

This was my conclusion when Gareth got home...

"We have rats in our attic and you're paying for the exterminator." and...
"The next time you leave me alone, we had better have a security system!"

Gareth paid for the exterminator the week he returned. It was a long process, but yesteday was the last follow up visit and I am happy to say...we no longer have rats running around in our attic. Check.

We haven't talked about it since September, so I was pleasantly surprised that he remembered. For my birthday -- he bought a security system for the house. He installed it on Sunday. Check. Check.

Here is what I did last night, day one without Gareth...
-drinks and appetizers at Ranch 616
-drive thru Taco Cabana
-watch Dan in Real Life from my couch
-set my new alarm
-fall asleep in my bed, peacefully angry/tearful phone calls to my fiance. Yay.

I'm not sure if he did all of that because he loves me so much?!? Or if he was just tired of the annoying phone calls from me?? Either way...

Thank you, honey!

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