Friday, February 09, 2007


I ran the 3M half marathon with my girlfriend Lindsey. She ROCKED it!!

This was her first half marathon, and I ran with her the whole way. We finished 2:21…a great time, period. A fantastic first ever half marathon!!

That’s the good news. Here’s the bad news…

That evening, my foot felt stiff. I iced it and stayed off of it and tried not to think about it and hoped that it would be better in the morning. It was, but only a little. Two days later, after my next track workout, I was in pain! To the point that I was hobbling around on it.

I decided to stay off of it, on the advice of the trainer at work. So, I have not run in 10 days and I’ve tried to walk in high heels as little as possible .

Today I went to the doctor. He took x-rays and examined my foot…

And it turns out that I am going to be fine! It isn’t the bone and if I begin icing it regularly and taking the pain medication that he recommended, I’m even going to be able to run in the AT&T half marathon that I’ve been training for on February 18th!

Saturday will be my first run back. I may not be as fast as I want to be, but at least I can get out there and try. I’m ready to GO!


Buzz said...

Look for me, I will haunt you on the course like a bad case of food poisoning.

Jane said...

I love it!

MW said...

tah tah tah time for a blog update!!!